Photo by Kenichi Aikawa
On July 22, 2018, KUIP (Kyoto University—Inamori Foundation Joint Kyoto Prize Symposium) was held at Asahi Hall, Yurakucho, Tokyo. 550 persons (approximately half were high school students) attended and the hall was almost fully occupied.
The KUIP marks the 5th anniversary. The venue has been moved into Tokyo since this year onward. The 2012 Kyoto Prize laureate in Basic Sciences, Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi, Honorary Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology and the leading edge researchers in life science made a lecture respectively at the theme of “A balance between Life and Mystery.”

Photo by Kenichi Aikawa
Dr. Ohsumi encouraged in his lecture “A research starts from a curiosity; new questions arise from a discovery; I still have a lot of unknown matters in my research; I wish young people challenge the various issues”. The high school students occupying nearly half of the hall listened enthusiastically with their eyes shining.

Photo by Kenichi Aikawa
At the panel discussion afterward, a Professor of Aoyama Gakuin University, Shin-Ichi Fukuoka (Moderator); Dr. Ohsumi; Dr. Kazutoshi Mori, Professor, Kyoto University; Dr. Shigekazu Nagata, Honorary Professor, Osaka University and Dr. Juichi Yamagiwa, Chancellor, Kyoto University exchanged their perspectives vigorously.
The actual scenes of the KUIP are scheduled to be uploaded at the Kyoto University website in due course.