【Applications Closed】Call for Applications for the 2025 Inamori Research Grants

The Inamori Foundation opened the applications for the 2025 Inamori Research Grants on July 1, 2024. The application is open until July 31, 2024, 17:00 (JST).

The Inamori Research Grants Program was inaugurated in 1985 with the aim of providing researchers with funding that has as few restrictions as possible, so that they can freely carry out their original and diverse research activities. A total of 50 researchers, 40 from the field of natural sciences and 10 from the field of humanities and social sciences, are selected per year and each receives one million yen grant.

As long as it is truly necessary for research, no restrictions have been placed on the use of the grant money. We value providing opportunities for them to verify the feasibility of as many ideas as possible.

* The applications for the 2025 Inamori Research Grants Program are now closed. (Updated on July 31)

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