Research Grants
Name | Afilliation | Research Title |
Atarashi, Hironori | Assistant Professor Faculty of Systems Engineering Wakayama University |
Development of Novel Adhesion Mechanism Utilizing Multipoint Interaction Formed by Polysaccharides |
Iono, Daisuke | Associate Professor Chile Observatory, National Institutes of Natural Sciences National Astronomical Observatory of Japan |
High Resolution Observations of DistantSubmillimeter Galaxies Using ALMA |
Ishikawa, Atsushi | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology Okayama University |
Acoustic Metamaterials for Noise Shielding |
Ishimoto, Takuya | Associate Professor Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University |
Development of bone implant materials with bone-like mechanical functions based on 3D additive manufacturing |
Ishimoto, Hiroshi | Designated Assistant Professor Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science Nagoya University |
How is the courtship auditory information processed and integrated to stimulate sexual motivation? : Identify brain circuits and its physiological function |
Inoue, Yasumichi | Associate Professor Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University |
Methyltransferase SET8 is a novel negative regulator of TGF-β signaling in cancer progression |
Iwamori, Tokuko | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Medical Sciences Kyushu University |
Identification of Intercellular Bridge proteins and effects of intercellular bridge proteins on proliferation with cellular connection |
Ubukata, Takashi | Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering Yokohama National University |
Development of dynamic photo patterning method for conductive polymer materials |
Okada, Yoshinori | Assistant Professor Advanced Institute of Material Research Tohoku University |
Study on mechanism for creating Dirac gap via broken crystalline symmetry in topological crystalline insulator |
Onuma, Takeshi | Assistant Professor Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science Osaka University |
Understanding of chordate organogenesis through imaging of left and right blastmeres and epidermal cells |
Kawanoue, Hiraku | Assistant Professor Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Kyoto Univeristy |
Resolution of singularities for algebraic varieties |
Kitagawa, Munenori | Special Postdoctral Researcher RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science RIKEN Center |
Study for regulatory mechanism of cell-to-cell communication through plasmodesmata |
Kurahashi, Takuya | Associate Professor Department of Material Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering Kyoto Univeristy |
Preparation of Organic Photovoltaics using Heteroaromatic Polymer |
Kurosawa, Shunsuke | Assistant Professor Institute for Materials Research Tohoku University |
Development of novel materials for oil-well logging, medical imaging and astronomy |
Kebukawa, Yoko | Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering Yokohama National University |
Estimation of the thermal history of asteroids from the organic matter in meteorites |
Kono, Yusuke | Research Associate Mizusawa VLBI Observatory National Astronomical Observatory |
Development of Balloon borne hermetic computer for black hole direct imaging |
Saito, Kyosuke | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Engineering Tohoku University |
Giant nonlinear optical effects of monolayer GaSe film and their application for terahertz-wave generation |
Sasahara, kazutoshi | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Information Science Nagoya University |
The development of a modeling method for animal behavioral sequence data |
Tsuihiji, Takanobu | Lecturer Graduate School of Science The University of Tokyo |
Functional Morphological analysis on the range of motion of the neck in dinosaurs |
Tsukada, Yuichi | Professor INAMORI Frontier Research Center Kyushu University |
Roles of secretory proteins in the mammalian pre-implantation embryo |
Tsujimura, Seiya | Associate Professor Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences University of Tsukuba |
Hyperactivation of redox enzymes at designed soft-interface on hierarchical structured carbon material |
Naka, Yumiko | Assistant Professor Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science DivisionⅡ Tokyo University of Science |
Formation of Ordered Porous Films on the Surface Based on Star Polymers with Sulfonyl Groups |
Nikaido, Masato | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Understanding of the mechanism of convergent evolution at the molecular level |
Hashimoto, Satoru | Assistant Professor Medicine Oita University |
Genomic Instability and Transcription-deficiency in Progeroid syndromes |
Fukuda, Hirokazu | Associate Professor Graduate School of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University |
Elucidation of the dedifferentiation phenomenon by the topological charge of the biological clock in plant |
Fujimoto, Yutaka | Assistant Professor School of Engineering Tohoku University |
Development of silicate based glass for environment radiation dosimetry |
Hobro, Jane Alison | Specially Appointed Researcher Biophotonics, Immunology Frontier Research Center Osaka University |
Structural analysis of Interleukin-6 mRNA 3’UTR using label-free Roman Spectroscopy |
Matsushima, Hisayoshi | Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering Hokkaido University |
Study for electric hydrogen isotope separation by novel electrode material invented under microgravity |
Matsuda, Ikki | Assistant Professor Long-term Field Study Project, Primate Research Institute Kyoto Univeristy |
Investigation on rocal acoustics in sexually highly dimorphic proboscis monkeys : implications for adaptive benefits of nasal development |
Matsuda, Yasuhiro | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Engineering Shizuoka University |
Easy fabrication and application of gel of a biocompatible and eco-friendly polymer |
Matsuda, Yu | Assistant Professor Ecotopia Science Institute Nagoya University |
Study on crater morphology by hydrogel impact on granular media |
Matsunaga, Tetsuya | Researcher Environment and Energy Materials Division National Institute for Materials Science |
Stabilization of microstructure by grain boundary controll for welded high chromium ferritic heat resistant steel |
Masayuki Matsumoto 2014 Hakuraku Grantee |
Professor Faculty of Medicine University of Tsukuba |
Role of dopamine signals in the prefrontal cortet |
Mitsui, Yuta | Assistant Professor Faculty of Science, Graduate School of Science Shizuoka University |
Study on earthquake preparatory processes based on interval changes of slow slip events |
Muta, Hiroaki | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University |
Performance improvement of high mobility thermoelectric materials by modulation doping |
Mori, Hirotoshi | Associate Professor Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Ochanomizu University |
Theoretical design of intermolecular interaction in excited states for white light emitting diode with high stability |
Yaeno, Takashi | Associate Professor Faculty of Agriculture Ehime University |
Identification of phytopathogen effectors disrupting plant immune systems and elucidation of the molecular mechanisms |
Yajima, Takeaki | Assistant Professor Department of Materials Engineering The University of Tokyo |
Development of transfer technique for ferroelectric ceramic thin films and its application to high-pressure mapping sensor sheet |
Yasuda, Satoshi | Associate Professor Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science Hokkaido University |
Bottom up synthesis of two dimensional hetero materials for highly active catalyst |
Yanagisawa, Miho | Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology |
Dynamics of wetting and density fluctuation in poymerdroplets |
Watanabe, Miho | Assistant Professor Department of Neurophysiolosy Hamamatsu University School of Medicine |
Neuronal disease caused by the impaired chloride homeostasis of the neurons |
Name | Afilliation | Research Title |
Ito, Nobuhiro | Professor Graduate School of Letters Osaka University |
A Comparative Study of Enka-esque Pop-folk genres in Balkan and Asian Countries |
Inoue, Takahiro | Associate Professor Faculty of Law Kyushu University |
Influences of age on criminal responsibility– For a reasonable solution to the problem of juvenile and elderly delinquency – |
Ohno, Tomohiko | Associate Professor Institute of Human and Social Sciences Kanazawa University |
Expertise and democracy in the dam constructions : Comparative study between large dams and paddy field dams |
Kikuchi, Toshimasa | Project Research Associate The University Museum The University of Tokyo |
On the comprehensive practial use of scientific specimens in museums through the use of replicas |
Kishi, Yasuko | Associate Professor Faculty of Design Kyushu University |
Urban Historical Study of the Court Nobility’s Wedding in the Early Modern Period |
Sakon, Yukimura | Associate Professor Center for Transdisciplinary Research Niigata University |
Sea of Japan and Black Sea at the Beginning of the 20th Century : Maritime politics of the Russian Empire |
Takeuchi, Shimpei | Associate Professor Faculty of Education Nara University of Education |
Fundamental study about archiving of drawing textbooks (brush-drawing) by Kyoto-fu Gagakko (Kyoto Art School) staff |
Nakajima, Tomoyuki | Professor Institute of Economic Research Kyoto Univeristy |
Macroeconomic analysis on fiscal crises |
Hashino, Shimpei | Director & Associate Professor Archaeological Herritage Management Office Tokushima University |
How did Mumun Pottery Culture people in the Korean peninsula adapt themselves to the environment? |
Hoshiro, Hiroyuki | Associate Professor Institute of Social Science The University of Tokyo |
The influence of official development assistance (ODA) to the donor-recipient international relations -A panel data study- |