Research Grants
Name | Afilliation | Research Title |
Aoi, Shinya | Junior Associate Professor Graduate School of Engineering Kyoto University |
Development of a new control strategy of a multilegged robot using bifurcation |
Ageta, Natsumi | Lecturer Graduate School of Science Nagoya University |
The role of septin cytoskeleton in spatial pattern separation |
Aboshi, Takako | Assistant Professor Faculty of Agriculture Yamagata University |
Lepidoptera adaptations to an insecticidal peptide, PA1b |
Iida, Midori | Assistant Professor Faculty of Science Niigata University |
The mechanisms of sustainment of diadromous migration in aquatic organisms |
Ishii, Ryota | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Engineering Kyoto University |
Visualization of nonradiative processes in deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes by micro-photoacoustic spectroscopy |
Isono, Takuya | Assistant Professor Faculty of Engineering Hokkaido University |
Organic Acid Salts: Next Generation Catalyst System for Aliphatic Polyester Synthesis |
Ichikawa, Masatoshi | Lecturer Graduate School of Science Kyoto University |
Toward the integration of bleb-driven artificial amoeba cells |
Inagaki, Mikio | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences Osaka University |
Exploration of subcortical visual processing by using combined approach of neurophysiology and machine learning |
Otani, Tetsuhisa | Assistant Professor National Institute for Physiological Sciences National Institutes of Natural Sciences |
Role of Tight Junctions in epithelial polarity |
Okabe, Keisuke | Assistant Professor School of Medicine Keio University |
Constitutive activation of microglia caused by Lrrc33 deficiency leads to neuropsychiatric disorders |
Onizuka, Kazumitsu | Assistant Professor Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials Tohoku University |
Development of artificial nucleic acids with the ability to chemically cleave RNA |
Omatsu, Yoshiki | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Medicine Osaka University |
Exploring new essential molecules for hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell niche |
Oyamada, Juzo | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Science and Engineering Saga University |
Development of C-H Bond Coupling Reaction Toward Convenient Synthesis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons |
Kawamoto, Takuji | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Sciences and Technology for Innovation Yamaguchi University |
New Synthetic Processes for the Utilization of Biomass by Control of Reactive Species |
Kitaba, Ikuko | Associate Professor Research Organization of Science and Technology Ritsumeikan University |
Revealing spatio-temporal structure of a warming episode at ca. 15,000 years ago |
Kitamura, Kyoko | Lecturer Institute for the Promotion of University Strategy, Global Excellence Kyoto Institute of Technology |
Study on Advanced-Tightly Focused Optical Sources by Photonic-Crystal Surface Emitting Lasers |
Kurebayashi, Yuuki | Research Associate Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Shizuoka |
Study of Acquisition mechanism of minor sialic acid Neu5Gc in human cancer cells and its control |
Komiyama, Junpei | Research Associate Institute of Industrial Science The University of Tokyo |
Optimal sequential inference within arbitrary stopping time |
Shiga, Takuma | Assistant Professor School of Engineering The University of Tokyo |
Manipulation of phonon coherence for high-performance thermoelectric material |
Shinmyo, Yohei | Associate Professor Faculty of Medicine Kanazawa University |
Molecular mechanisms of neural circuit formation and cortical folding focusing on draxin functions |
Sunada, Yusuke | Associate Professor Institute of Industrial Science The University of Tokyo |
Development of Environmentally Friendly Iron Catalysts that Realize the Effective Transformation of Natural Resources |
Takatsuka, Hirotomo | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Biological Sciences Nara Institute of Science and Technology |
Molecular mechanism of polar growth underlying active cell growth in plants |
Tanabe, Katsuaki | Associate Professor Graduate School of Engineering Kyoto University |
Development of novel high-performance semiconductor bonding technologies mediated by single-atomic-layer materials for ultrahigh-efficiency photovoltaic applications |
Nakajima, Yuichiro | Assistant Professor Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences Tohoku University |
Investigation for the mechanisms of epithelial tumorigenesis induced by abnormal mitotic spindle orientation |
Namba, Takushi | Associate Professor Research and Education Faculty Kochi University |
The identification of molecular mechanism of mitochondrial homeostasis regulated by endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria cross talk |
Nii, Yoichi | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Arts and Sciences The University of Tokyo |
Research of one-way heat propagation in a magnet with chirality |
Nishiura, Hiroshi | Professor Graduate School of Medicine Hokkaido University |
Developing an identification method of superspreaders of an infectious disease using theoretical and evolutionary biological techniques |
Nishimura, Aiko | Assistant Professor Life Science Center, Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance University of Tsukuba |
Elucidating the mechanisms of stem cell aging in the inter-follicular epidermis |
Nobukawa, Shogo | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Engineering Nagoya Institute of Technology |
Investigation of matrix field effect on photo-isomerization of azobenzene dispersed in polymer glass |
Hachiya, Takushi | Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Institute for Advanced Research Nagoya University |
Elucidation of mechanism of ammonium toxicity with ammonium-tolerant lines in Arabidopsis thaliana |
Haniuda, Kei | Assistant Professor Research Institute for Biomedical Sciences Tokyo University of Science |
Elucidation of mechanisms for immunological memory formation by metabolic control of B-cells |
Fuchigami, Teruaki | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Engineering Nagoya Institute of Technology |
Sea-urchin-shaped niobium oxide nano-particles for high performance catalyst |
Matsubara, Ryosuke | Associate Professor Graduate School of Science Kobe University |
Development of experimental tool enabling the ultimate targetting of nitric oxide: Approach for understanding the mechanism of nerve diseases |
Yamabuki, Kazuhiro | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Science and technology for Innovation Yamaguchi University |
Development of new high-capacity battery using sulfur-rich thermoplastic resin |
Jusup, Marko | Assistant Professor Research Institute for Electronic Science Hokkaido University |
Mathematical biology for the robust management of bioresources |
Yokota, Nobuhide | Assistant Professor Research Institute of Electrical Communication Tohoku University |
Investigation of electron spin relaxation mechanism in InAlGaAs quantum well |
Yoshitane, Hikari | Assistant Professor Graduate School of Science The University of Tokyo |
Quantitative and qualitative controls of RNA rhythms by A-to-I RNA editing enzyme ADAR2 |
Yoneda, Tsuyoshi | Assosiate Professor Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences The University of Tokyo |
Aim for solving the blowup problem on the Navier-Stokes equations with numerical simulation of nonlinear interaction of vortices |
Wajima, Takaaki | Associate Professor Graduate School of Engineering Chiba University |
Development of new cement using lunar rock |
Watanabe, Kosuke | Assistant Professor Research and Education Center for Advanced Energy Materials, Devices, and Systems Kyushu University |
Thermoelectric property of chalcopyrite type Cu-In-S compounds |
Name | Afilliation | Research Title |
Ichikawa, Akira | Assistant Professor Institute for Advanced Research Nagoya University |
Practical research for the reconstruction and conservation of Pre-Hispanic masonry architecture in El Salvador, Central America |
Oishi, Takanori | Lecturer African Studies Centre Tokyo University of Foreign Studies |
Impact of trade in forest products during the colonial period upon forests and the local community: An attempt to integrate the historical ecology of an African tropical forest with global history |
Kuroki, Makoto | Associate Professor Association of International Arts and Science Yokohama City University |
Estimating and forecasting financial stability of hospitals: an empirical study using financial reports of medical corporations |
Kondo, Keisuke | Associate Professor Graduate School of Law Kyoto University |
Globalization of Scottish legal theory and its constitutional background: An integrative study of Neil McCormick’s legal theory and his political activities |
Nakagawa, Mirai | Senior Assistant Professor Faculty of Law and Letter Ehime University |
A Study on the regional development and the formation of grass-roots Nationalism in Modern Japan, from the view of intellectual History |
Nishida, Hiroko | Assistant Professor Faculty of Design Kyushu University |
Elucidation of Musicking Process by String Quartet Performers through Interdisciplinary Approach |
Fujita, Naoko | Associate Professor Faculty of Design Kyushu University |
Formation of Green infrastructure analysed by GIS for the earthquake of Kumamoto area: the significance of Landscape Heritages |
Hoshino, Takahiro | Professor Department of Economics Keio University |
Development of data fusion methods using big data and official statistics for understanding consumer behavior |
Masuda, Kazuya | Assistant Professor Institute of Economic Research Hitotsubashi University |
Micro-nutrition deficiency and infant cognitive function in Africa: Micro-econometric analysis using panel data |
Miyamoto, Akiko | Research Associate School of Environment and Society Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Fundamental study on archiving a variety of scripts of Japanese cinema |