Research Grants
On November 9, 2019 Kyoto Prize laureates visited the Inamori Foundation to greet the President of the Foundation. The laureates and their families enjoyed talking while seeing the photos of former laureates and the past presentation ceremony. Here, the messages from the laureates to the Inamori Foundation! “I thank the Inamori Foundation for the high...
The Inamori Foundation (President: Shinobu Inamori-Kanazawa) is pleased to announce the 2019 Kyoto Prize Week Media Guidelines. We would appreciate it if you could make your schedule to conduct newsgathering during the Kyoto Prize Week. We would be obliged if these guidelines could be helpful for your newsgathering activities. Thank you very much for your...
Dr. Michel Mayor, the 2015 Kyoto Prize laureate in Basic Sciences was announced as a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics for the Discovery of Extrasolar Planet on October 8, 2019. Congratulations! None of the existence of exoplanets orbiting Sun-like star has been discovered over 50 years, before Dr. Mayor found out the exoplanet...
The Inamori Foundation (President: Shinobu Inamori-Knazawa) is pleased to announce the event schedule of the 2019 Kyoto Prize, including the Prize Presentation Ceremony on November 10 and opportunities for the media interviewing with the laureates. Your attention would be highly appreciated.
The Inamori Foundation (President: Kazuo Inamori) is pleased to announce the laureates of the 2019 Kyoto Prize.
Kyoto Prize comprises the 3 categories: Advanced Technology, Basic Sciences, and Arts and Philosophy.
The Nobel Prize Presentation Ceremony will be held on December 10 at Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.
The Kyoto Prize is the international award which celebrates the individuals who have contributed significantly to the scientific, cultural, and spiritual betterment of humankind.
The Kyoto Prize at Oxford, an inaugural Kyoto Prize event in Europe, is held for two days from May 9th, 2017.