Daiju Misawa

Associate Professor, Undergraduate School of Childhood Education, Tokai University*Profile is at the time of the award.

2023Inamori Research GrantsHumanities & Sociology

Research topics
A fundamental study for a new approach on performances of Japanese songs
The field of Japanese art songs (Nihonkakyoku) has been developed independently by musicians with extraordinary talents. However, academic research in the field has been dominated by approaches that emphasize the practical aspects of performance, and has lacked the perspective of accumulating data on the background to the creation of art songs and new releases. In this study, a singer, an accompaniment pianist, and a composer collaborate as researchers to investigate primary sources and accumulate information on two works from ‘the developmental period’ of Japanese art songs, and to use their multifaceted and comprehensive insight to gain new approaches in the field of practical research on Japanese art songs.


I am very grateful that this modest project was adopted as a research project in the field of art practice theory, which rarely receives attention in academic research, and moreover, for the opportunity to establish a research approach for Japanese art songs. Through the results of this research, I hope that not only teachers in specialized fields but also the general public will learn more about Japanese art songs.

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Humanities & Sociology