Hiroshi Fukuyama

Lecturer,Faculty of Regional Sciences, Tottori University*Profile is at the time of the award.

2020Inamori Research GrantsHumanities & Sociology

Research topics
The developmental origins of musicality: research on musicality in infant-parent and infant-infant interactions
Not only does music have the power to bring enthusiasm and comfort to people, but it also has the social function of bringing groups together. In order to explore the developmental origins of such interpersonal musicality, this study examines the behavioral characteristics and emotional experiences of musical interactions and their developmental changes in infant-parent and infant-infant interactions.


I am very grateful for the grant for the challenging theme of musicality in infancy. Although the world experiences an unprecedented situation by the spread of COVID-19 today, it is precisely because of times like these that I would like to advance my research with flexible ideas.

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Humanities & Sociology