InaRIS Fellow (2023-)

Yasutaka Kamei

Associate Professor,Faculty of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University*Profile is at the time of the award.

2023InaRISScience & Engineering

Research topics
New paradigm for software development styles based on machine-human interaction
Thanks to the proliferation of open source, software development data, including source code, is widely available online. The data represent the process of software development itself, sometimes recording the trial and error of the development project. In this research, we create the framework to achieve how a machine (the model of the developer's know-how) and a developer can learn and assist each other in the context of software development, as opposed to the full automation of a data-driven approach.


Information systems are widely used as social infrastructures for public transportation, power supply, finance, etc. in today’s society. Furthermore, their applications are being expanded and innovated including digital transformation (DX) and the realization of Society 5.0 where IoT and AI are highly utilized. The challenges for industries are to create, transfer, and disseminate new services and business models while maintaining and operating existing legacy systems. Software development is becoming a key skill that is required both highly specialized and advanced software developers and also a wide range of citizens who work in various industries. In addition, a society where people can choose diverse work styles to promote a work-life balance is widely demanded, and hence, the work style reforming of software developers is also a keen issue in our future society.

Dr. Kamei is addressing to reform software development styles to realize diverse work styles leading to well-being of software developers as well as by providing tools to assist and automate software development. To create a new paradigm of software development styles, he will tackle research from three perspectives: individual software developers, development teams, and development communities. The core idea of the research is interaction. He aims to support software development exceeding the limits of existing tools, by making software developers and machines (development support tools) interact and learn each other. He also aims to achieve both improvement of the efficiency of development and realization of well-being of software developers together by supporting communication between developers. This is a research to try to answer the essential research question of information science and engineering: How can we utilize data, knowledge, and information, and then lead to intellectual production activities?

In recent years, he has been active in developing new software development styles to support software development teams and communities. As a result, he recognized the problems of the current development team and community, which inspired this proposal to challenge a new software development style.

Dr. Kamei is a promising young researcher who is leading software engineering research internationally. With the support of the InaRIS Fellowship, he is expected to make further advances and further contributions to information science in the next decade.

Message from Fellow

I am grateful for the long-term support of the InaRIS Fellowship Program for 10 years. The long-term support allows me to tackle an exciting but challenging topic that I would have avoided in other research funding programs. I’m looking forward to the discussion with other InaRIS Fellows and will do my best to achieve machine-human interaction in software engineering.

InaRIS Fellow Profile Video

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