Akihiko Mougi

Associate Professor,Institute of Agricultural and Life Sciences , Academic Assembly, Shimane University*Profile is at the time of the award.

2020Inamori Research GrantsBiology & Life sciences

Research topics
A theory of mutual maintenance mechanism of intra- and interspecific diversities
In recent years, many species have been dimished rapidly due to environmental destruction, and it has become an urgent task to stop and restore the loss of biodiversity. However, in order to succeed in conserving biodiversity, it is first necessary to understand how ecosystems are maintained. Traditionally, evolutionary studies and ecology have independently studied genetic diversity within a species, which is a major component of biodiversity, and the mechanisms that maintain inter-species diversity (species diversity). In this study, we aim to comprehensively understand the mechanisms that maintain biodiversity by analyzing the interactions between them using mathematical models.


I would like to live up to this honorable grant and do research that will contribute to science.

Outline of Research Achievments

I proposed the “diversity of biological rhythm” hypothesis as a new mechanism for coexistence of diverse organisms. On the earth, there are periodic environmental changes such as day, moon, and year due to the relationship with the sun and the moon. It is theoretically shown that the diverse biological rhythms of living things adapted to these can maintain the coexistence (natural balance) of living things. It has been found that the unique rhythm (polyrhythm) generated by the combination of multiple different biological rhythms weakens biological activities or interactions between organisms and promotes the coexistence of living organisms. This theory provides a new view of nature that connects chronobiology and ecology.

  1. Mougi A (2020) Polyrhythmic foraging and competitive coexistence. Sci Rep 10(1):20282. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77483-3

  2. Mougi A (2021) Diversity of biological rhythm and food web stability. Biol Lett 17(2):20200673. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsbl.2020.0673

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Biology & Life sciences